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Amnanda Process - Training for Therapists in Portugal

I warmly invite you to the Amnanda Process ritual for the healing of traumatic imprints in our cells.

It`s a beautiful opportunity to recive a deep oiling ritual, the most gentle trauma therapy I know and becoming a Amnanda Therapist at the same time. It will happen on the beautiful land in Vale Bacias/ Colos, "Atelier für Heilkunst“.

We meet 12 day in the next year to receive 12 different oiling and it`s teachings developed from a Tibetan tradition of Ayurveda.

We gonna stand in the ancient ancestor line of the Dalai Lamas doctors, which is very, very powerful

Our first meeting will be on the 6th / 11th and 12th of April 2022

From 10 to about 17h

The next oiling will be in three blocks (three days each block)

July 2022 in the time of the 1st to the 6th

Oktober 2022 int the time of the 1st to the 9th

December 2022 or January 2023

We will find out the next dates together.
Amnanda means „the path of joy“.

The process is a combination of touch, herbs, oils and counselling techniques to initiate a process designed to release the negative effects of deeply held stress and tension on the body-mind as well as on an emotional and more subtle spiritual level.

Please find out more information on the Amnanda Website:

Or write to LiKa who is organizing the meeting:

or to Heike who is holding the training:

The cost are depending on your abilities from 50 to 70€ for each oiling and day. Additional to support the process are 2 times a tincture for the 3rd and 5th oiling a swell as a women or men vital tea (or instead a tincture, to support the hormonal system) and a green tea (to support the immune system). All of this supportive products are about 6 to 8€ each piece.
There are no more costs for the training and teaching, because it’s an initiation which is happening in this old tradition.

The Amnanda Process is a journey that unfolds over the year – releasing the effects of trauma held in different areas of the body and at deeper levels with each successive treatment. Healing begins from the first treatment and each person’s journey is highly individual but always includes renewed enthusiasm, greater clarity and direction in life and restored youthful vitality.

We are very much looking forward to share this path with you

With love and a prayer for our deep transformation and the awakening of our bodies

LiKa and Heike

Earlier Event: February 1
Verkörperter Dialog - Online
Later Event: May 14
SternenWesen - ErdenFrauen