From Conscious Leadership To Global Transformation
We are living in an evolutionary pulsating global village
Founding of our Organisation in August 2020
SOHA Foundation envisions a world of empowered citizens and communities, who live in alignment with their highest potential, thriving for love, presence and international solidarity to co-create a regenerative global collective for our future generations.
Workshop with NGO in Windhoek / Namibia
“Pioneers for Peace” changed to SOHA Foundation
"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."
Black Elk (1863-1950)
Drilling for water on a farm in Namibia
We will support and empower people and regions of the world who have less access to resources to enable them to find local answers and to actively take part in tackling global challenges. Through fostering a global network we invite the inclusion and balance of the wisdom of all cultures by providing transformational learning opportunities.
Ecovillage close to Windhoek / Namibia
Activities / Trainings / Workshops
We offer Conscious Leadership-Training in Complexity for Women and Men in Namibia and Palestine in a diverse team, at least one local and one of another culture.
The Workshops includes tools for individual and collective Empowerment and Trauma-Transformation, Working Through Subtle Power, Healing Communication and Somatic Dialog, as well as Conflict Resolution Methods with a whole body approach, Constellation Work and the exploration of Mystical Principles of our life on earth.
In Namibia and Palestine we are working close with local well knows NGO’s, with govermental employes and private peolpe who are outstanding in their activities for local and global peace.
Workshop with an NGO in Ramallah / Palestine
Our Motivation
To invite the achievement of a sustainable local and global ecological, economical, social and intercultural co-creation of our future based on the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.
To support women in leadership positions based on the Resolution 1325 UNSCR in marginalized regions as multipliers who don’t have easy access to healing work due to their past or current traumatic imprint and life conditions.
To raise awareness for the effects and symptoms of trauma in individuals, in communities and in culture and how deeply it effects our life-circumstances.
To research for regional partners, NGO's and ministeries to co-worldwork with.
To reach out, connect and support entrepreneurs, healers, teachers, artists, social-activists, politicians, priests of all religions, with the focus on evolutionary leadership, integral communication, the inner science of meditation, and holistic contemplation.
To invite the exploration and listening into the complexity of the cycle of our nature, our individual and collective purposes, and the beauty of its mystical principles.
To invite the diversity of both the individual talents and the highest intelligence of the collective in innovation, art, beauty and healing.
To acknowledge the importance of the female leadership and the possible local and global impact toward peace and balance on a holistic level.
The Approach
Embedded in the GEN- Network the doorway to our work is at least to have one local co-facilitator who is in contact with local NGO's or ministeries and holds a local and worldview-perspective to listen what kind of challlange and potential is present. Togehter we offer a container which can host complexity and a individual growing, clearing and healing into a expanding coherent we-space. It 's important to see what we learn as co-facilitators and what we bring back home as information of the other culture. It's a win-win learning, a inspiration and nurishment which leads us in a deeper understanding in our role as humanity to find a new balance on earth which honours and respects all life on earth inviting the most mature and innovative collective interconnected intelligence.
With the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development the international community expresses its conviction that the global challenges can only be solved together. The agenda creates the basis for shaping global economic progress in harmony with social justice and within the ecological limits of the world.
"We can be the first generation to succeed in eradicating poverty, and at the same time perhaps the last generation that still has the chance to save our planet. ”
Quote from the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
SOHA is a female arabic name and means “cosmic star”, in Dhamara language it means “come!”
Members of the SOHA Foundation:
Anna Hörenberg, Heike Wegener, Mena Maria Vieira, Visolela Rosa Namisis, Lina Ima’il, Sanaz Rassuli Pourrat, Anita Scherrer, Nicole Rufer, Tzegha Kibrom.
Dancing cellebration SOHA Foundation 30/08/2020